Saturday, January 14, 2012

I miss Zig Zag

Boys would rock up at 6am ready to go, pile into the volvo and hilux and head for the m4. Bacon egg rolls ar maccas little bit of fuel and its a race for the pink pub. Arrive a Zig Zag and punish the toilets, numbers twos all round and last man sitting got a dunny roll to the face.

Bikes off and warming up ..... wait for Ed to get dressed......................... wait for Ed to start his bike ......................... Hit the trails!

 Good times


MDCLumpy said...

Great times. Used to love the cave trail. Nice tight single track. Bumping tyres the whole way through. Always had room for a Mrs Macs after at the railway. Those where the days.

Think your right about the scramblers next Benno. I need some dirt between my teeth.

MDCSpecial Ed said...